
I know I have committed the blunder of art-overanalysis when I have broken its meaning down into several equations.

Formal logic, with it's numbered sentences equations and rules, often stretches into this area. How do I know this? How can I prove it using formal logic? I can't. But I can tell you for sure that God doesn't exist. How? I just know. It's impossible. Does Mickey Mouse exist? Not in the run-across-your-screen-in-a-movie or cartoon or even frolicking in the minds of children. Does he exist like other mice exist, in the REAL sense? Absolutely not. A priori truth is the only correct variety.

Should I need to defend myself against the accusation that I am not a human, but rather an elephant? Is it even worth my time to say, "I am not an elephant because I lack certain characteristics such as a trunk." And then to have hear arguments stating that I am an elephant because I dwell on earth and drink water and breath air, etc. The God question isn't a question at all, but a silly assertion not worthy of these very words.


Chomsky was right when he talked about the difficulty of overcoming propaganda--that very few people can come home from work and carry on a research project looking for news sources (i.e. truth) outside of the evening news. During my academic years, ideas were important to me. Energy for scholarly subjects abounded. Work was learning. Now work is something different and I have time certainly, but precious little energy to think for myself. Chomsky's speeches bundle up truth more neatly and accurately than any news source.


I just nuked a nascent post by somehow selecting the "back button."

I was beginning to feel that familiar ambient energy created when I latch onto a topic. A most pleasing high. I was only about 8 sentences into it, but the inspiration has suddenly and completely eluded me--I simply don't want to write about that shit anymore.

This has happened several times since I've embraced the online format. It is the one drawback to the online version, as such an event couldn't happen on paper--the physical journal would have to magically disappear.

My online output has been far less, over the last two years, than my pen-and-paper journal, for any two-year span. Probably because there is an outside chance that someone will actually read this, whereas my print version usually got lost when I moved. For that reason I tend to self-edit and exclude many topics and posts reasoning that no one could possibly care.