
....that makes two men in their early twenties that I've met in past month wearing rings. However, neither are married. "My girlfriend gave it to me." One chap had a picture in his pocket which he was proud to show me. "She's in Germany."

Either the impediments to engagement and marriage are too great and these young couples don't want risk. Or, marriage simply has no meaning anymore. It's probably a combination of both. It's worth saying that neither white couple has children. These are also college aged people.

The all-important thrust to get married still is provided by pregnancy. However, due to advanced contraception young middle-class white couples from respectable families can easily prevent pregnancy and thus avoid pressure from traditionalist's to get married. I.E. Fathers can't enforce shotgun marriages without something cooking in the oven.

Poorer people seem to lack parental pressure for marriage when there's a pregnancy. The tradition is losing it's footing with the largest class.

Good. The ring is enough symbolic commitment with the ceremony. The fellow whose girlfriend is in Germany has at least some reason to wear a symbolic commitment at all times. But the other fellow lives with his girlfriend--I simply can't see the point of wearing a ring. He said he likes it, much to my dismay. The poor fellow is essentially married without any of the benefits (if there are any.)


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