
blah blah blah

fuck this fuck that
I don't care actually.
What difference does any of this make? You're not even here. You don't exist. None of this exists. Even if it does, it's meaningless. There is no meaning.
I think therefore I am. So? Where's the meaning. Like Wendy's, where's the beef?

Some people will say the purpose of life is to help other people. This implies that there are people that need help. AND their lives do not consist solely of helping others. If everyone's purpose in life is to help, how do the needy fit into this equation? It's a faulty argument from the start. The purpose of YOUR yuppie, liberal, granola Hampshire College existence is to smoke pot and help others. Preferably the poor, disadvantaged indigenous population of Bolimia. Where you clean up all the natives' puke. Helping other people is stupid. What's the difference between you and another person? You're both homo sapiens? I say, help yourself.

Oh! And then there are those among you who say that the purpose of life is to procreate. To spread their seed and create as many copies of themselves as feasible etc etc. According to this idea, I intend to bottle my semen and bury it. To be found millions of years from now by space aliens who will take me to be the original Adam. More realistically, if this mechanism were truly the meaning of human life, men would be lining up at the sperm bank tomorrow morning to make a donation. It's just a mechanism: attraction, relationship, sex, kids. Like foraging, eating, digestion, excretion. So would you say the meaning of life is to eat?

Some will joke: the true meaning of life is to .....not DIE!
nope that's the survival instinct.

I leave this entry open ended. I can't come up with a meaning, but I assume that I will before my time is up.


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