This college girl at the coffee shop today:
attractive naturally, but not trying at all. Very white teeth: obviously she uses some sort of polish, because she's also a heavy smoker. She's sitting with two friends, a mild-mannered inoffensive young man and a similar girl. The trio's body language and seating arrangement betrays her leadership of the group. Her armpits display week-old fuzz. Nothing out of hand, but obviously she doesn't care so much. She wears no makeup and baggy pajama type pants. But, get this, what is clearly a halter type top (not sure exactly what--not up on women's fashion) with what must be a prop-up or miracle-type bra.
The contradtictions: Plainly the amount of times she raised her arms above her head show that at the very least unconsciously, she wants to show off her pit peach fuzz. I know this...chainsmokers do not like to raise their arms above their head for fear of descending ash. Her peach fuzz, her fashion sense, even the nature of their conversation states: "I scoff at societal rules and women's etiquette", while her prop up bra and her polished teeth state opposing sentiments.
The contradictions are rather ordinary, and pervade the group: Her female friend wears her pants in the popular urban influenced bleached style. With a salvation-army-type top.
Jesus Christ, I can't believe I'm talking this much about fashion.
What a fucking waste.
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