
How does the American media machine figure that Saddam was captured? Below are several reasons which argue that what happened was more like a surrender and less like a capture:

--He was found near his hometown of Tikrit. People surrendering often do so in a safe place. Furthermore if I was really trying to hide from my pursuers, I would steer clear of my hometown.

--Families' "close to him" according to Dan Rather's sources gave him up. Meaning he was turned in as planned by friends.

--This so called tyrant put up no kind of fight whatsoever. He didn't pull a Tony Montana and go down guns ablazing. Nor did he turn the gun on himself a la Hitler. The media portrayal of him as an inhuman tyrant needs to be rethought--this is a man who quietly and with civility allowed himself to be taken into the clutches of his archenemy.

I take offense to the fact that Hussein was "captured" sporting a beard and then promptly shaved so that he'll resemble his mustached media image. If they were going to shave him, why not shave off the mustache? It was apparently mandated by military authorities to make sure he resembled the image etched in American minds and Tee-shirts in the last decade.

Nothing was more nauseating than listening to the President's pandering speech regarding the "capture" of Hussein and the heroics of our servicemen and women and all the accompanying bullshit. These speeches are meant to create a sense of American pride. Some atypical phrases and words are "Our great country" "justice, democracy", "freedom" "the Iraqi people". They're full of bold statements intending to rouse American interest and pride. Even American media sources admitted that Hussein's capture would do little to curb Iraqi resistance to American occupation, but yet Bush spoke like this was a major coup for the U.S armed forces and the suddenly oft-mentioned "Iraqi people."


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