Yesterday a customer from last summer appeared in Wal-Mart and somehow I remembered him. He remembered me as well and we looked at each other for an awkward moment during which time both of us scanned our minds for specifics. We both made funny-head-turned-faces as I exclaimed, "I moved you last summer." He said "yeah." We bullshitted for a bit about his house and neighborhood being finished. He had really thick glasses. During this conversation, a person I've known for a long time, but rarely talk to walked by and we waved at each other. After the natural end of our conversation (which I almost always instigate--I tend to feel rejected if the person I'm talking to says, "Well listen you have a great day, and I gotta go buy my widget"--my solution is to bail first.), the man ahead of me in line let me cut him because I only had one item and he had a cart full. I thanked him as I cut ahead of him. He then said if I'm looking for a job (with my newly acquired college degree) I should talk to him as he's looking for a people person. He took my phone number and gave me his card.
I'm not a people-person by any stretch of the imagination, and if the job requires it I would be ill-fitted for the task. But I am fraudulent and composed of bullshit so this could work.
Good thing blogger has this comment feature. Cuz I can comment/talk/write to myself. How popular this has become for the one visitor a week to come to my site. You know the internet is based upon large numbers of people accessing multitudinous information. Lots of content lots of traffic.
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