I met a pasty-faced 50 year old teacher today. He's 6'5 with gawky legs, a big belly and bad skin. He smokes pot and offered me some (I politely declined). He has a 24 year old live in Cambodian girlfriend--beautiful, previously a virgin and she thinks he'll marry her and take her to "the land where the streets are made of gold", America. Too bad he hasn't been in the States for 15 years, settling himself in Vietnam and before that Mexico for ten years. During which periods he went through a string of similarly beautiful 20-somethings who are happy to have the status symbol of being with an American and ecstatic to wear on their finger whatever $15 trinket catches his eye at the local market. The poor girls will never find out that the streets of America aren't made of gold because his only intention from the start is to teach for a few years, then drift on to the next third-world destination.
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